Here are the pictures with the "frame" border attached. The piece measures 36 inches wide by 77 inches tall, so it was a whopper to sew! It took up my whole kitchen table for a month. I had to get Ben to help me guide the 6 foot length through the machine to sew the borders on. Wow, husbands are good for something besides yard work. :D Kidding! Ben was really helpful- always handy to have another artist in the house to bounce ideas off, to make suggestions, or help out when you are stuck, and offer encouragement when you are frustrated or discouraged that you'll never get it done...
The last photo is of the third piece that I made for the show, a replica of one of the signs on the walls of the ride. I had a lot of help from my best friend Michelle (a cross-stitch queen) to get the cross stitch done. Thanks Chelle, you rock! I couldn't have done it without you. :D
The Tomb piece is 16X20, framed.
I am really happy to say that all the pieces have sold in advance of the show's opening on September 9th.
Now to go and enjoy a few weeks of vacation from the sewing machine...
I'll be back here in mid-august with a sneak peek of my final piece for the Plush You! show. See you then!