I've been madly working to get my pieces for the Stitch Wars show out of my sketchbook and into reality. Here's just a brief look, as I'm not sure how much of them I'm going to reveal before the actual show in July. If you can guess what characters these are from these pics, you're good! :D (Okay, I admit the bottom photo shouldn't be too hard to guess.)
So, after combing through our CD soundtrack collection I found and digitized the double disk Star Wars, Empire, and Return of the Jedi scores to accompany me while I work. I don't think I'm alone in saying that the trumpet fanfare during the 20th Century Fox logo will forever be branded in my head as synonymous with Star Wars. I can't ever hear it, no matter what movie I'm about to watch, without it giving me that Star Wars thrill. :D
Wow, everything's coming along really nicely! I had to ask Mike what he thought the top one was b/c I'm not a walking SW encyclopedia like he is, lol. ;)
I think I know what I the bottom one is! ;D
I totally agree with your association of the Fox logo + SW. I think Lucas would be very happy about that, haha. :D
I'd like to hear Mike's guess for the top one- see if he's truly a SW encyclopedia. :D
They're almost finished- hooray!-just a few hand sewn elements to do.
He guessed it was Luke in his X-Wing suit. ...was that right?
Yay, I can't wait to see them! Today I'm working on my PT foodie challenge...
oohh, can't wait to see your challenge piece!
Unfortunately you'll have to tell Mike that he's wrong...
Guess fail!!! lol. Mike is stumped. hahaha. (I said: "Maybe it's Bosk?" (my limited knowlege), and he's like... "but Bosk has a yellow suit"). We'll just have to wait till you finish it! :D ::waiting on the edges of our seats::
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