Now- on with the show and tell!
I had actually decided a few months previously that I needed a Cowpoke Deluxe Wibbly Woo from abbydid, and so she made him in advance and brought him with her to Maker Faire. He is amazingly soft and cuddly.
When I saw Edgar the Racoon by the Pixels, I knew he had to be mine. I love his coloration, and the blocky shape is wonderful.
It was the fun, cartoony blue printed fabric and the green fur that helped me to make a decision to take this guy home. Made by Little Critters. I have wanted one of her Little Critters for awhile, and this guy just seemed made for me. Yay green!! I am a sucker for a good green. :)
This Chewbacca Moon Bun by Moons Creations is pure awesomeness. It's Chewbacca!! How cool is that? I don't think that I need to say anything else. ;) He goes really well with my Oola Moon Bun that I bought last summer from the Stitch Wars Show.
I told myself all during the weekend of Maker Faire, that if these awesome Mr. and Mrs. Loafee Dice by Yummy Pancake didn't find a home with someone (and I had many an anxious moment seeing people pick them up and debate whether to buy them, let me tell you!) they were coming home with ME. Thankfully they lasted the weekend, so here they are, the perfect addition to my VW Bug. :D
And last but certainly not least is this wonderful Tribal, from one of our newer members of the Team, ArtTales (LEFTZ). She sent a whole Tribe of them to Maker Faire, and it was extremely hard choosing the one that I wanted to call mine- they were all so unique.
Part of the wonderful experience that was Maker Faire was getting to pick these plush in person- to touch and hold them, which is really what this fantastic medium is all about. They look terrific in photos, but having the experience of actually being able to touch them- and see so many other people touch all the plush available at the Team's booth and find their new friend- was absolutely fantastic.
Chewie couldn't have a better new home. You're such a darling Leeanna!
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You certainly picked out some great plush! I'm sure they will all be happy with you :))
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