I was contacted by the author and illustrator of the fun new children's book "The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out (Big Time)", who asked me if I could make a plush version of his Eensy design for him. He gave me a bunch of reference, and I got to work. It took me quite awhile to figure out how to get the legs working, and to figure out the right proportions for the body etc. I made six spiders before hitting on the right size/proportions that would work. Then I was stuck on the legs- a few of the options I tried first didn't work, but finally I hit on a solution. The legs are posable wire, so that Eensy's legs can gently be posed into pretty much any position. If you would like to see more work-in-progress photos, head on over to my flickr page. To find Troy's book, which comes out in late May, check out Amazon.com.
If you want to see more of Troy's art and design (of course you do! :D), head on over to his website.