Well, look no further!! Boba Fett is the Galaxy's most ruthless and determined Bounty Hunter. He will not stop until he has captured that Bounty and received his payment.

Boba Fett is a commission for the special someone of
Scrumptious Delight. He took me quite awhile to get finished- when I first drew my sketch, I thought, this will be fun and pretty simple. Boy was I wrong! Once I started breaking down all his pieces and accessories, I realized it was going to take me a lot longer to get him done than I thought.

I did have fun making him with all his bits and pieces- and I
really enjoyed ripping and fraying his cloak. It's very satisfying to be able to distress something for a change and not have everything be pristine. :) Once I got Boba Fett done, I was pretty happy- and then I remembered that it's
not Boba Fett without his jet-pack... so it was back to the drawing board and the sewing machine, and onto making the jet-pack. I sewed all the components together by machine, and then hand-stitched the jet-pack to his back, and voila! Finished at last.
I am very happy to have him leave my house (he was
definitely beginning to overstay his welcome) and head off to new adventures in a Galaxy Far, Far, Away.
(Well, Canada, at least.)
I'm off to celebrate his departure with drinks at a certain Mos Eisley Cantina. Better leave the droids at home though. ;D