Plush YOU! opens in Seattle at Schmancy Toys tomorrow, October 8th, in the evening. I wish that I could be there for the opening, but my plush will have to enjoy the party for me instead this year.
Here are my contributions to the show. I decided to go with a trio of Scarecrows- I was feeling in the fall mood when I was sketching last month, and these guys were the result.
Without further ado, I introduce you to Simon, Saul, and Sally Scarecrow. They spend their days joking and laughing while scaring away the crows from Farmer Joe's wheat fields.



and Saul:

I wanted to make them similar but different. Although they are wearing similar colors, they are all different patterned cottons, and I made their hair a golden color, to bring in the color of wheat (or straw). Adding in the straw that pokes out of their sleeves, cuffs, and waists was an interesting experiment, since I had to sandwich the strands of felt "straw" in reverse in the seam and the see how it popped out when the seam was finished. If it hadn't turned out I would have had to unpick the seam, which I HATE. Lucky for me the experiment worked, and I didn't have to get out the dreaded seam ripper. ;)

So, head on over to Schmancy tomorrow evening if you live in the Seattle area- it's going to be a great opening with
so much amazing plush, not to mention that you'll get a chance to meet some of the artists in person. :D