As promised, here are my two pieces for the
Plush Team's "Candyland" themed art show at
Hot Pop Gallery in Milwaukee, which opens
this friday at 6pm!! Tons of great candy-inspired plush is yours to behold or buy at the show, so if you are in the area, make sure to go and check it out. The show runs through March 20th.
I did a lot of brainstorming and word-listing before I found the concept that I thought would be fun to make for the candyland theme. I wanted to make sure that my pieces said "candy" without being too literal, and it took me awhile to find something that made me laugh to myself when I was doodling ideas. What I came up with was the idea of a Gingerbread Circus arriving in town, and here are a couple of its performers:
The Ring Master of the Gingerbread Circus, with her lollipop baton, top hat and tail coat:

and a Gingerbread Circus Clown, with his mini bowler hat and giant bow tie:

I am bummed not to be heading to Milwaukee to see the show in person, but I can't wait to see photos from the Team Members in the Mid-West who
are headed to the opening this weekend! I'm sure that there will be photos available sometime after the opening on the
Plush Team's blog, so make sure to keep checking in there to see all the great pieces the Team made for the show- I know that I will be! :)