Hello there! Leeanna of Plush Goodness here. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. :D Let's talk about the PT Annual, shall we? It was really fun to see this book come together, and even more exciting to get my own copy in person, let me tell you. I keep mine out in my living room where everyone can see it, and it makes a great talking point whenever I have guests in the house- they love flipping through the annual and telling me which of the artists or plush pieces are their favorites- and it's usually different for each person, which is terrific.

These guys seem to have picked their favorite pages, but they are slightly biased, don't you think? ;)
For my spread in the
PT Annual I wanted to include some of my favorite pieces of plush that I've done. Credit has to go to Zazu Faure, aka
zfla- fellow plushteam member and the force behind the Annual, for narrowing down the many photos I sent her into the ones you see here:

For those of you who are interested in knowing more about my creative process, I will now attempt to explain the method behind the madness. ;)
Since I have an animation background, the plush process always starts with me sketching until I find an image that I giggle or smile at, and then that's the one that I decide to translate into plush form. Some of them come right away, like the King and Queen of Hearts, with others it takes more drawing. Here are a few of the sketches I made for some of the pieces above:

As you can see, it took many sketches until I found the right one for my vision of Goldi Locks.
From there the fun really begins- choosing fabrics! I am an un-apologetic fabricaholic, so my stash just keeps getting bigger every year. In the beginning I had to run to the fabric store all the time, now I can usually find stuff in my fabric stash at home so I can get creating right away.
Next I do larger drawings of the sketch for the plush I am making, and then make my pattern off of that. I am self-taught in both sewing plush and pattern making, and can't read a real sewing pattern to save my life. I'm not sure anyone could understand my patterns but me...
The next step is cutting and starting to sew. Here are a few photos of some of the WIPS (Work-in-Progess) for the plush of Karolin that I took during the process of making her:

starting with the body...

then adding on the head and facial details...

adding in the braids...

sewing her together and turning her right-side out...

eh voila! Just like magic, you've seen how the plushcature of Karolin got made. :D
Well, there you have it- my creative process in a nut shell. I hope that you enjoyed this stop on the Virtual book tour, the next stop is
Inga of DogDaemona on the 19th of August- follow along each stop of the Tour, then do the quiz on the
Plush Team blog at the end for a chance to win the giveaway!

If you are interested in getting your own copy of the
Plush Team Annual, head on over to the
Plush Team's etsy shop to find it and other assorted plush awesomeness, which includes some wonderful back-to-school items, and the ever popular plush from the Team's "Tiny Tuesdays" which has plush for under $10.00, so how can you go wrong?
Enjoy your weekend everyone!