September 25, 2008

"Seasick Sal" Salvatore

"Seasick Sal" has been sailing the mighty seas for almost 30 years now, and he's never gotten over his seasickness. You would think that his fellow pirates on board the Rusty Pelican would be sick of Sal by now, but he's considered a valuable asset to the crew. Whenever he turns green and gets this expression on his face, the crew knows that a mighty storm is coming and to start preparing for the worst, even if the sky is at the moment clear and blue. Sal has saved the ship many times from sailing into a fierce tropical storm or hurricane, and this alone makes up for the fact that he's always sick as any "landlubber" who is sailing for the first time. Whichever of the crew is in disgrace with the Captain gets to cleanup after Sal if he can't make it over the side...

Another pirate for the Monthly Craft Challenge, hopefully not the last before the theme changes. I'll be taking a few days "off" from sewing, but not from work, as my sister is in town so we can go wedding gown shopping. It's fun, but definitely work! So hopefully more pirates will follow next week sometime. Have a good weekend everyone!


Terrell Gentry said...

I love the pirate theme, I hope to see more.

Leeanna Butcher said...

Thanks Terrell - more are coming, I was up to my ears in wedding stuff with my sister the past 10 days, hopefully I'll bee able to post by tomorrow...

Nichol Brinkman said...

Hey! I love his belt!

Leeanna Butcher said...

thanks nichol- i found this cool rope at the local craft store and though how perfect for a pirate's belt.