Since I joined the Plush Team back in March, I've met online and in person (hello again Claire! :D) so many of the talented and diverse plush artists that make up the
Plush Team. I thought it would be fun every Friday to introduce to you a different member of the PT family. There are currently around 48 of us spanning the globe, so there are many unique plush points of view coming your way. :)
I'm starting off this week with
Samaria Project, one of the fun plush artists on the Team who will be featured as part of the Plush Team article in the new issue of
Stuffed! magazine that comes out July 1st. Here's what Jess of Samaria Project is all about in her own words:
"Essentially, Samaria Project is me....Jess...
Me, being a big mess of nerdiness, artist, and all the other in-betweens. Samaria Project was born out of new beginnings and a new way to look at life. I felt our products should reflect that.
We don't always have to be what we started out as :) The items I make are things that someone would normally pass up without another thought; a rock, an old tshirt, or a pair of jeans. I love the challenge of taking an object and making it into something completely different, giving it a new life. Everyone/everything deserves a second chance...you never know, you could love it allover again.
Each Samaria Project Plushie is made from something...be it a tshirt, pajama pants, jeans, hoodies, even scrubs! It's up to you whether you want to know them for what they were, or what they are now.
One thing is for certain, each needs a lot of love and attention-but don't worry, they always return it!"
To find out more from Samaria Project, visit her
blog or
etsy store, or you can find her through the
Plush Team Blog, where we are currently having an "Iron Chef" plush food challenge- there are five types of "ingredients" (faux fur, mirrors, pom poms, velcro, foam). Each member is assigned an ingredient to battle over and Samaria Project's was foam. Talk about tough! Here is her dish:

The battles will be judged by talented members of the crafting community starting Monday, June 15th. To see all the Team's creative dishes, head on over to the PT blog on Monday. What and where is my Battle Velcro dish, you ask? Well, it will be revealed on monday, so stay tuned. As they say on the show: "Allez Cuisine!" :D